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Immigrate to Canada by Marrying a Canadian Girl

In order to immigrate to Canada through the well-known programs offered by the Canadian government, you need to equalize university or professional degrees, have experience in a specific job, and several other things, but marrying Canadian girls exempts you from all these matters, meaning that by marrying a girl you will not need to testimonials or testimonials. Work experience all you need to meet a canadian woman and end this acquaintance with marriage.

Once the marriage is completed, you can immediately start the procedures for requesting family reunification from the Canadian embassy in your country, in addition to that marrying a Canadian girl is the fastest and easiest way to obtain the papers required for immigration to Canada and then obtain residency and then Canadian citizenship.


Find a Canadian wife:

In order to get to know Canadian girls for the purpose of marriage, you can search on foreign dating sites, and through dating and marriage sites, acquaintance between the two parties begins by displaying personal information for each of them, such as age, family status, place of residence, then the hobbies of each of them until you reach the stage of love and thinking about marriage to form a family.

Winning the trust of Canadian girls:

Honesty and avoiding misleading the Canadian partner and future wife is the most important thing. Most Canadian girls are looking for a young man who values married life and understands family responsibility. Marrying a Canadian girl will grant you residency in Canada in record and fast time in accordance with the Family Reunification Act in Canada.


Family reunification procedures in Canada:

Upon agreement with the Canadian partner on the idea of marriage and immigration to Canada, the family reunification procedures can then be started after documenting the marriage contract in one of two ways:

1 – Either the Canadian girl comes to visit you in your country where the marriage contract is taking place, and after that you have to submit the marriage contract to the Canadian embassy in your country to obtain the Canadian visa.

2- Or to obtain a visitor visa to Canada, conclude a marriage contract in Canada, and then request an extension of the visa period and convert it into a residence permit after delegating the marriage to the Canadian authorities to extend the period of your stay in Canada based on a request for family reunification in Canada.

A person residing outside the state of Canada when he marries a Canadian girl, Canadian law does not reject that, but rather gives the spouses an opportunity to reunite and live together on Canadian soil, but according to certain laws, including that goal. Marriage is about building a family, and the goal is not only to immigrate to Canada, which is what many people take as an excuse to come to Canada, and then separate from their Canadian partner.


Obtaining Canadian residence through marriage:

The non-Canadian spouse submits an official application for permanent residence with the support of the Canadian party in his capacity as the Canadian spouse. The Canadian authorities consider this request within a period ranging from 6 months to a year at the latest, and during this period the Canadian Ministry of Immigration makes sure of the credibility and seriousness of the marriage, as it is required that the marriage be natural and the purpose of marriage in itself is to reunite and form a family, not Interest and desire to obtain residency and citizenship.

Also, obtaining residency in Canada through marriage requires only finding the right Canadian partner without the need to obtain higher degrees or practical experience. All a person needs is to find the right Canadian girl and make her accept the idea of marriage.

Obtaining Canadian citizenship through marriage:

In order to obtain Canadian citizenship, you must have permanent residence in Canada, without which no one can apply for Canadian citizenship even if all other conditions that enable him to obtain citizenship are met. Permanent residence cards in Canada are called PR cards, and they are documents proving that the immigrant is legally residing in Canada.

After obtaining permanent residence, an application can be submitted for Canadian citizenship, and in order to obtain Canadian citizenship, you must meet 6 conditions, which you can learn from here and see all the details.

Polygamy in Canada:

The Canadian state considers having more than one wife or one husband to be against the rules of marriage law, and if you are married in a country where polygamy is legal, only one marriage will be recognized.

With regards to the practice of polygamy in the Canadian country, there can be criminal consequences, and if you are interested in knowing the impact of polygamy on your legal situation, you can turn to a criminal law attorney or an immigration lawyer in Canada if you need help.


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