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Thomson Foundation 2022 Journalist Award for Journalists worldwide

Thomson Foundation 2022 Journalist Award for Journalists worldwide

Thomson Foundation is offering six rising stars the chance to connect with six of the best journalists in the industry as part of our prestigious Young Journalist Award 2022.


This year’s award will be extra special for another reason, too. It will be the first time in two years that our three finalists can attend the glittering ceremony in London in person. The pandemic of the past two years has meant finalists could only attend virtually. 

For our 60th anniversary, there’s an added bonus which we’re calling ‘Connect 6’. To mark six decades of the foundation, our three finalists and the next three highest on our shortlist will have the opportunity to be mentored for six months by six established journalists from our alumni.


About Thomson Foundation

The Thomson Foundation is a media development not-for-profit organisation based in London, United Kingdom but operating worldwide. It was founded in 1962 and was the first charitable foundation with the specific aim of training journalists in developing countries. It celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2012

Journalist Award

  • Type – Entrepreneurs
  • OrganisationThomson Foundation
  • Country to study
  • School to study
  • Course to study – Not specified
  • State of Origin
  • Gender – Men and Women
  • Application Deadline – August 12, 2022

Benefits of the Journalist Award

  • The three Young Journalist Award finalists will automatically qualify for the mentorship programme.
  • The additional three will be selected from the shortlist of 12 to join them as part of our ongoing investment into ethical, independent and trusted journalism.
  • If you are one of the selected six, you’ll be provided with a unique package of support and paired with an established journalist matched to your region from our extensive alumni network. 
  • You’ll learn from them how their exclusives and investigations have changed the world, and how yours can too. 
  • In addition, all 12 journalists on the shortlist will be given space on our website and social media channels and receive a certificate from Thomson Foundation commending them on the high standard of their work.

Requirements for Journalist Award Qualification

  • Thomson Foundation Young Journalist Award in partnership with the UK Foreign Press Association (FPA) is open to journalists aged 30 or under from countries with a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of less than $20,000. 
  • Those who meet the criteria are welcome to submit a portfolio of three published pieces of work produced in the 12 months preceding the deadline for submissions, which is 12 August 2022
  •  They can be in any medium — print, audio, video or multimedia.

Interview date, Process and Venue for Journalist Award

Key dates

Deadline for entries: 12 August 2022

Entries must be submitted by 23:59 UK time on the night of deadline day


Long shortlist of 12 announcements: 28 September 2022, World News Day

Shortlist of six announcements: w/c 3 October 2022

Three finalists announcement: w/c 10 October 2022

Young Journalist Award winner announcement: 28 November 2022, FPA Awards

Application Deadline

August 12, 2022


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